My name is Bharat Ramanujam, I live in California. I am 38 yrs old. I was diagnosed at the age of 2 that I had a condition called Homocystinuria, which is due to the absence of an enzyme in my body.

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Update April 2020:

In 1999,  this site was developed in order to help people with HOMOCYSTINURIA(HCU). In the last so many years I was not able to update this  site because of having series of health problems. Since I feel much better right now I will be updating it on a on a regular  basis. Also I was recently inspired while attending the first ever conference on HCU in Denver.

Since I missed some of my classes in high school due to health problems, I completed some courses in a community college for about 6 years. Some  of the courses I have completed are computer, math, weight training, English, Yoga , geology, and nutrition. My hobbies are reading history, wildlife  listening to music, watching action movies and  tennis. I am also a volunteer at San Diego Zoo and Safari Park. 

Over the last 10 years I have been travelling extensively to learn about world history and also endangered animals. I have visited historical sites related to US presidents, Civil War, Civil Rights, WorId Wars, Americal Revolution and recently several Space related sites in the US and Europe. I have summarized all these  on my website:


The animal information are on my website:


I have developed this website in order to form a support group with other Homocystinuria families. I have tried to build this website with information I collected from my own experience and other resources.

The what is HCU gives basic details on what Homocystinuria is about. 

I like travel and I will be updating my recent trips and how I managed my diet during the trips.

Some basic information about what kinds of food Homocystinuria patients can eat is given in diet section. I will be adding a lot of recipes.

My email address is hcuallied@gmail.com